Price and Plans
Power CV pack
30.00 FCFA onlyYour Resume for Job Pack is the most useful tool for introducing yourself to a potential company. You can use your resume or CV to respond to an advertised job vacancy.or more...
Accéder aux CVs 5 2 JoursDurée1000 CV Pack
49.00 FCFA onlyYour Resume for Job Pack is the most useful tool for introducing yourself to a potential company. You can use your resume or CV to respond to an advertised job vacancy.or more...
Accéder aux CVs 25 5 JoursDuréeSuper CV Pack
99.00 FCFA onlyYour Resume for Job Pack is the most useful tool for introducing yourself to a potential company. You can use your resume or CV to respond to an advertised job vacancy.or more...
Accéder aux CVs 50 10 JoursDuréeUnlimited CV Pack
199.00 FCFA onlyYour Resume for Job Pack is the most useful tool for introducing yourself to a potential company. You can use your resume or CV to respond to an advertised job vacancy.or more...
Accéder aux CVs 200 30 JoursDuréeBasic Jobs
- Single Submission
- 45 days duration
- 1 job posting 0 featured job Job displayed for 20 days Premium Support 27/7
Standard Jobs
- 45 Maximum Jobs in 20 Jours
- 90 days duration
- 45 job posting 30 featured job Job displayed for 45 days Premium Support 27/7
Golden Package
- 90 Maximum Jobs in 2 Mois
- 1 years duration
- 90 job posting 35 featured job Job displayed for 60 days Premium Support 27/7
Supper Jobs
- 125 Maximum Jobs in 5 Jours
- 30 days duration
- 125 job posting 50 featured job Job displayed for 75 days Premium Support 27/7